martes, junio 30, 2009

CSR Geneva breakfast!

Threats & opportunities for Green/Social innovation from the Brand Manager perspective:

Greenwashing/Causewashing is nearly impossible to avoid. No matter how credible, clear and consistent your Greenwashing/Causewashing is nearly impossible to avoid. No matter how credible, clear and consistent your message, someone can always find a flaw in your marketing claims. The media that monitor green claims serve an important function, protecting consumers from deceptive marketing practices. But with so much focus in the media on exposing misleading or exaggerated green/cause related claims, many companies are getting discouraged from pursuing legitimate, green/cause related product innovation. And for those who do, many remain silent for fear of the dreaded greenwashing label.

What is the way forward for companies? Two Brand managers from Procter & Gamble and an ex P&Ger-turned consultant will lead a discussion around the threats & opportunities around future innovation in this space. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Please join us!

The breakfast will be this Wednesday, 1 July, from 8 to 9 am. Please bring chf14 per person (which buys you one tea or coffee, a croissant and all different sorts of interesting bread with jam, honey and chocolate spread - anything on top of this must be paid for additionally: it's delicious!). We'll be at Le Pain Quotidien, 21 Boulevard Helvétique in Rive (1205 Genève), in a room on the right-hand side of the café as you look from the street - come in through its own glass door there.

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